First Prison SMART course: April 2016
Number of Prison SMART trainings: 5 (2016) + 2 (2017)
Number of prisoners trained: 90
Prisons where Prison SMART was held:
Both prisons in the country:
Prison in Spuz
Prison in Bijelo Polje
CONTACT: Aleksandra Grujović
“I feel very fulfilled, my soul is relaxed without thoughts and constant thinking.”
“During meditation I literally forgot where I was, like I was at home.”
“Thank you very much, thank you for helping me.”
“I am overwhelmed, you have exceeded my expectations.”
“We love you. Continue to help others, just like you helped me.”
“Bilo je zadovoljstvo raditi sa Tobom i Vašom organizacijom.
Želimo da uspješno nastavite svoju dalju misiju!”
Kemal Zoronjić, zamjenik direktora
“It was a pleasure working with You and with Your organization.
We wish You to successfully continue Your mission in the further!”
Kemal Zoronjić, Deputy Director